Korea Roundup! (Photo Post 2010-2013)

Kimchi Pots

Kimchi Pots

The last few years have been incredible. Life-changing. Inspiring. Lots of adjectives.

I’ve opened up myself to new experiences, opportunities, and people. I’ve seen the good and the bad.

And somehow, I’ve managed to survive when I sometimes felt like I wouldn’t be able to anymore.

We all have that, don’t we? That enate ability to survive. That willpower that sees us through even when you reach the darkest depths.

I feel like most people will have their moment… the one where you feel like you’ve got nothing left, you’re surrounded by darkness, loneliness, depression… and then…

You can look around you and see that you’re absolutely surrounded by loving and caring people that would give anything to take the pain away. Even strangers.

What a beautiful world we live in. Continue reading

Veggie Lasagna a la James


Nothing screams winter to me like a piping hot plate of lasagna. When my boyfriend said he wanted to make some, I jumped at the chance to record and share it with you! Directions and measurements are a little fuzzy, but anyone who is experimental in the kitchen (or already has a lasagna recipe) is welcome to use this to modify your current version. The rue makes a huge difference, and so would some homemade ricotta! (I’ll get around to that soon…)

Let’s get started.

Veggies of choice.
Pasta sauce.
Lasagna noodles.
Cheese of choice (I recommend mozzarella or ricotta).


In a pot on medium heat, start sweating some onion. James says, “Don’t add garlic to withering onions at first, or else the garlic will burn.”
Add other veggies, pasta sauce (or canned tomatoes), and sugar, and cook down until soft. Use the lid.
Make a rue. You can add garlic and cheese if you’d like.
Lay a layer of noodles into the pan and fill with veggie sauce. Add cheese. Next, Add another layer of noodles and rue. Repeat until desired size.
Cover last layer with rue and cheese, and fill in any gaps with extra pasta sauce.
Bake covered at 220C for 35 minutes. Cook an extra 10 minutes uncovered and let sit in the oven for 10 with power off.


Where Do We Go From Here?

Last year, I created three blogs in the hope that one of them would find huge success. It turns out that three blogs is a lot of work!


I did find a small glimmer of hope over at Eat Your Lunchee. This blog is specifically designed for foodies interested in School Lunches, especially in Korea.

This year, I have a new direction, and that’s food. Not just the Lunch-ees… but my own recipes. I’m inspired by many bloggers, namely 519 Kitchen and A Fat Girl’s Food Guide. I’ve been following them for quite some time and they give me great ideas!

Soon, the layout of “Everything Rae” will change to something new and shiny, especially formatted to fit all of the food I want to share with you.

Thank you so much for following my adventures. I look forward to the change and a new outlook on blogging!

Cocktail Weenies, A Christmas Side-Dish!

What holiday is complete without some smokey, sweet and tangy Cocktail Weenies? I actually can’t take credit for this recipe, since I had to search some websites to find what I was looking for, but it’s possible to make in Korea just like back home!

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Vietnamese Shabu Shabu: “Shabu Hyang!”

Shabu Shabu is a wonderful course meal. In Korea, this normally consists of three courses, veggies, noodles, and rice. If you’ve never had it, watch this video!

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NaNoWriMo 2012 – No More Excuses

For the past 5 years or so, I’ve tried over and over again to do one of the best things for my writing and blogging life:


That’s right. I have never completed a NaNoWriMo in 5 years. Not once. And every single time, I look at myself in the mirror and weep. (Okay, not really.) But I do get VERY guilty for not finishing it, and this year I know I WILL.

Things around here might be radio silent for the next 30 days, but I assure you that I will be busy as a bee behind this computer screen of mine. And once it’s finished?

Well, my inner editor will have a FEST. But more about that later.

Haven’t heard of NaNoWriMo before? Click on the picture to take you there.

You’ve Been Owned- By the Corporations you buy from!

I’m not usually the kind of person that posts political messages on my blog, but I think this is pretty important. This doesn’t affect the internet as much as it affects anyone anywhere in the USA that wants to re-sell their belongings. Take a look at the Demand Progress Website, where the following comes from:

“Next week, the U.S. Supreme Court will decide whether you have the right to sell your stuff on eBay. Do you really own the smartphone or computer you’re using to read this? If you sold your books, would you be breaking the law? A federal court in New York says you would be, even if you legally paid for and bought them.

“It’s unbelievable, but trademark and copyright holders are trying to use a legal loophole to take away your right to sell things that you own. The mainstream media is starting to catch on, with the Wall Street Journal just running an article headlined, “YOUR RIGHT TO RESELL YOUR OWN STUFF IS IN PERIL”.”

Please sign the petition today. It takes about ten full seconds and has the potential to protect you and your belongings from scrutiny.